Guidelines and Toolkits
- Cymraeg – WelshCymraeg – Welsh
- Absonoldeb Salwch Tymor Byr ac Absenoldeb Cyson.pdfAbsonoldeb Salwch Tymor Byr ac Absenoldeb Cyson.pdf
- Addasiadau Rhesymol, Addasiadau ir Gweithle ac Adsefydlu.pdfAddasiadau Rhesymol, Addasiadau ir Gweithle ac Adsefydlu.pdf
- Adnoddau Dynol - Rheolau Sylfaenol.pdfAdnoddau Dynol - Rheolau Sylfaenol.pdf
- Adolygu Cyflawniad - Canllaw i Rheolwyr.pdfAdolygu Cyflawniad - Canllaw i Rheolwyr.pdf
- Adolygu Cyflawniad - Canllaw i Weithwyr.pdfAdolygu Cyflawniad - Canllaw i Weithwyr.pdf
- Canllaw ar gyfer llenwir cofnod Ymchwiliad i Ddigwyddiad Damwain ac Anaf HS5 (A).pdfCanllaw ar gyfer llenwir cofnod Ymchwiliad i Ddigwyddiad Damwain ac Anaf HS5 (A).pdf
- Canllaw ir gweithwyr Iechyd a Diogelwch Cyffredinol.pdfCanllaw ir gweithwyr Iechyd a Diogelwch Cyffredinol.pdf
- Canllawiau i Gynhalwyr syn Gweithio.pdfCanllawiau i Gynhalwyr syn Gweithio.pdf
- Cofnod Ymchwiliad i DdigwyddiadDamwain a Niwed.pdfCofnod Ymchwiliad i DdigwyddiadDamwain a Niwed.pdf
- COVID-19 a Gwisio Gorchuddion Wyneb.pdfCOVID-19 a Gwisio Gorchuddion Wyneb.pdf
- Crynodeb o Hyffordiant y Cyngor - Tachwedd 2023.pdfCrynodeb o Hyffordiant y Cyngor - Tachwedd 2023.pdf
- Cymeradwyo Adolygiad Cyflawniad - iTrent - Canllaw i Reolwyr.pdfCymeradwyo Adolygiad Cyflawniad - iTrent - Canllaw i Reolwyr.pdf
- Cynllun Gweithlu Cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf 2023-2028.pdfCynllun Gweithlu Cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf 2023-2028.pdf
- Cynllun Lles Cwm Taf 2018-203.pdfCynllun Lles Cwm Taf 2018-203.pdf
- Cynllyn Derbyn Awgrymiadau Gan Weithwyr (ESS1).pdfCynllyn Derbyn Awgrymiadau Gan Weithwyr (ESS1).pdf
- Diwedd y Mislif - Canllaw.pdfDiwedd y Mislif - Canllaw.pdf
- Dychwelyd ir gwaith.pdfDychwelyd ir gwaith.pdf
- Dyfnyddio ysgolion ac ysgolion grisiau yn ddiogel - Taflen wybodaeth ar gyfer gweithwyr - Rhif 1.pdfDyfnyddio ysgolion ac ysgolion grisiau yn ddiogel - Taflen wybodaeth ar gyfer gweithwyr - Rhif 1.pdf
- Enghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd.pdfEnghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd.pdf
- Ffurflen Asesu Risg.pdfFfurflen Asesu Risg.pdf
- FINAL 52814-42 HR Basic Rules Booklet May 2024 WELSH.pdfFINAL 52814-42 HR Basic Rules Booklet May 2024 WELSH.pdf
- Framwaith Dros Dro ar gyfer Gweithio Gartref-Hyblyg.pdfFramwaith Dros Dro ar gyfer Gweithio Gartref-Hyblyg.pdf
- Gweithio gyda Phetrol.pdfGweithio gyda Phetrol.pdf
- Hunan-Ynysu a Phrofi.pdfHunan-Ynysu a Phrofi.pdf
- Hysbysu a Darparu Tystiolaeth.pdfHysbysu a Darparu Tystiolaeth.pdf
- Iechyd a Lles Galwedigaethol.pdfIechyd a Lles Galwedigaethol.pdf
- Iechyd Meddwl a thaflen y Coronafeirws.pdfIechyd Meddwl a thaflen y Coronafeirws.pdf
- Llawlyfr Prentisiaeth ar Gyfer Rheolwyr - Apprenticeship Handbook for Managers.pdfLlawlyfr Prentisiaeth ar Gyfer Rheolwyr - Apprenticeship Handbook for Managers.pdf
- Lles Staff.pdfLles Staff.pdf
- Llyfryn Strategaeth Adnoddau Dynol.pdfLlyfryn Strategaeth Adnoddau Dynol.pdf
- Pecyn cymorth monitro cydraddoldeb.pdfPecyn cymorth monitro cydraddoldeb.pdf
- Rheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 1 o 3 - Cyfarwyddyd Cyffredinol.pdfRheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 1 o 3 - Cyfarwyddyd Cyffredinol.pdf
- Rheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 2 o 3 - Asesiad Risg Enghreifftiol ar gyfer Rheol Traffig.pdfRheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 2 o 3 - Asesiad Risg Enghreifftiol ar gyfer Rheol Traffig.pdf
- Rheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 3 o 3 - Cynllun Rheoli Traffig Enghreifftiol.pdfRheoli Diogelwch Traffig ar Safleoedd Ysgol - Dogfen 3 o 3 - Cynllun Rheoli Traffig Enghreifftiol.pdf
- Rheoli Eira a Rhew - Canllaw i Reolwyr Safle a Phenaethiaid.pdfRheoli Eira a Rhew - Canllaw i Reolwyr Safle a Phenaethiaid.pdf
- Salwch Cysylltiedig ag Anabledd.pdfSalwch Cysylltiedig ag Anabledd.pdf
- Salwch Hirdymor.pdfSalwch Hirdymor.pdf
- Strategaeth Adnoddau Dynol 2023-2028.pdfStrategaeth Adnoddau Dynol 2023-2028.pdf
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad Generig.docxTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad Generig.docx
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad Generig.pdfTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad Generig.pdf
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad GR15+.docxTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad GR15+.docx
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad GR15+.pdfTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad GR15+.pdf
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad Staff Rheng Flaen.docxTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad Staff Rheng Flaen.docx
- Templed Adolygu Cyflawniad Staff Rheng Flaen.pdfTempled Adolygu Cyflawniad Staff Rheng Flaen.pdf
- Templed Recriwtio, Disgrifiad Swydd – Cyffredinol.docxTempled Recriwtio, Disgrifiad Swydd – Cyffredinol.docx
- Ymweliadau Lles.pdfYmweliadau Lles.pdf
- Saesneg - EnglishSaesneg - English
- A Guide to using the Councils Competency Framework.pdfA Guide to using the Councils Competency Framework.pdf
- Accessibility Guidance.pdfAccessibility Guidance.pdf
- Action Plan Template.pdfAction Plan Template.pdf
- Administrators Competency Framework.pdfAdministrators Competency Framework.pdf
- Adoption Surrogacy Pay Entitlement Table.pdfAdoption Surrogacy Pay Entitlement Table.pdf
- Agile Homeworking Framework.pdfAgile Homeworking Framework.pdf
- Ancillary Competency Framework.pdfAncillary Competency Framework.pdf
- Apprenticeship Handbook for Managers - Llawlyfr Prentisiaeth ar Gyfer Rheolwyr.pdfApprenticeship Handbook for Managers - Llawlyfr Prentisiaeth ar Gyfer Rheolwyr.pdf
- Assistance to Employees who Become Disabled - Manager Guide.pdfAssistance to Employees who Become Disabled - Manager Guide.pdf
- BDF Attendance management and disability Line Managers Guide.pdfBDF Attendance management and disability Line Managers Guide.pdf
- BDF Mental Health at Work Line Managers Guide.pdfBDF Mental Health at Work Line Managers Guide.pdf
- BDF Non Visible Disabilities Line Manager Guide.pdfBDF Non Visible Disabilities Line Manager Guide.pdf
- BDF Performance Managment Line Managers Guide.pdfBDF Performance Managment Line Managers Guide.pdf
- BDF Reasonable Adjustments Line Managers Guide.pdfBDF Reasonable Adjustments Line Managers Guide.pdf
- BDF Working With Disabled Colleagues Line Managers Guide.pdfBDF Working With Disabled Colleagues Line Managers Guide.pdf
- Business Disability Forum - Managing difficult Conversations.pdfBusiness Disability Forum - Managing difficult Conversations.pdf
- Business Disability Forum Information Sheet.pdfBusiness Disability Forum Information Sheet.pdf
- Capability - Managers Toolkit.pdfCapability - Managers Toolkit.pdf
- Career Development Conversations Template.docCareer Development Conversations Template.doc
- Claiming Mileage in ESS User Guide.pdfClaiming Mileage in ESS User Guide.pdf
- Community Social Care Competency Framework.pdfCommunity Social Care Competency Framework.pdf
- Competency Family Decision Tree.pdfCompetency Family Decision Tree.pdf
- Competency Overview of all Job Families.pdfCompetency Overview of all Job Families.pdf
- Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Managers Guidelines.pdfDomestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Managers Guidelines.pdf
- DSE - Setting up your Workstation and Using Portable Devices.pdfDSE - Setting up your Workstation and Using Portable Devices.pdf
- EHRC Advertising - A good practice guide.pdfEHRC Advertising - A good practice guide.pdf
- EHRC Advertising - FAQs 2016.pdfEHRC Advertising - FAQs 2016.pdf
- EIA Guidance with Socio-economic Duty.pdfEIA Guidance with Socio-economic Duty.pdf
- Equality and Diversity – A Guide for Staff.pdfEquality and Diversity – A Guide for Staff.pdf
- Equality Impact Assessment Guidelines.pdfEquality Impact Assessment Guidelines.pdf
- Equality Impact Screening Form.pdfEquality Impact Screening Form.pdf
- Equality Monitoring Toolkit.pdfEquality Monitoring Toolkit.pdf
- Everything You Need To Know About Managing Your Performance .pdfEverything You Need To Know About Managing Your Performance .pdf
- Frontline Customer Care Competency Framework.pdfFrontline Customer Care Competency Framework.pdf
- Full EqIA Form.docFull EqIA Form.doc
- Guidance to the Completion of the Incident Accident Form (August 16)-HS5(B).pdfGuidance to the Completion of the Incident Accident Form (August 16)-HS5(B).pdf
- HR Basic Rules Booklet 2024.pdfHR Basic Rules Booklet 2024.pdf
- HR Guide to workplace Mediation - June 2014.pdfHR Guide to workplace Mediation - June 2014.pdf
- Human Resources Strategy 2023-2028.pdfHuman Resources Strategy 2023-2028.pdf
- Individual Performance Review - Employee Guide.pdfIndividual Performance Review - Employee Guide.pdf
- Individual Performance Review - iTrent Guide (Employee).pdfIndividual Performance Review - iTrent Guide (Employee).pdf
- Individual Performance Review - iTrent Sign Off Guide (Manager).pdfIndividual Performance Review - iTrent Sign Off Guide (Manager).pdf
- Individual Performance Review - Managers Guide.pdfIndividual Performance Review - Managers Guide.pdf
- Individual Performance Review Template - Frontline.pdfIndividual Performance Review Template - Frontline.pdf
- Individual Performance Review Template - Generic.pdfIndividual Performance Review Template - Generic.pdf
- Individual Performance Review Template - GR15+.pdfIndividual Performance Review Template - GR15+.pdf
- Induction Onboarding Checklist NEW2024.docxInduction Onboarding Checklist NEW2024.docx
- Introduction to iTrent - Employee Self Service User Guide.pdfIntroduction to iTrent - Employee Self Service User Guide.pdf
- Introduction to iTrent - Managers Self Service User Guide.pdfIntroduction to iTrent - Managers Self Service User Guide.pdf
- Line Manager Reservist Guidance.pdfLine Manager Reservist Guidance.pdf
- Manager guide for Authorising Mileage in iTrent.pdfManager guide for Authorising Mileage in iTrent.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Disability Related Sickness Absence Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Disability Related Sickness Absence Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Long Term Sickness Absence Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Long Term Sickness Absence Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Notification and Certification Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Notification and Certification Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Occupational Health Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Occupational Health Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Reasonable Adjustments, Workplace Adjustments and Rehabilitation Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Reasonable Adjustments, Workplace Adjustments and Rehabilitation Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Returning to Work Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Returning to Work Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Short Term Sickness Absence and Frequent Absence Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Short Term Sickness Absence and Frequent Absence Guide.pdf
- Maximising Attendance - Welfare Visits Guide.pdfMaximising Attendance - Welfare Visits Guide.pdf
- Menopause Guide.pdfMenopause Guide.pdf
- Middle Manager Competency Framework.pdfMiddle Manager Competency Framework.pdf
- Notes from 1-2-1s Employee Template.docNotes from 1-2-1s Employee Template.doc
- Notes from 1-2-1s Manager Template.docNotes from 1-2-1s Manager Template.doc
- People Planning Toolkit - Introduction.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit - Introduction.pdf
- People Planning Toolkit Stage 1.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit Stage 1.pdf
- People Planning Toolkit Stage 2.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit Stage 2.pdf
- People Planning Toolkit Stage 3.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit Stage 3.pdf
- People Planning Toolkit Stage 4.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit Stage 4.pdf
- People Planning Toolkit Stage 5.pdfPeople Planning Toolkit Stage 5.pdf
- Performance Management Line Manager Guide.pdfPerformance Management Line Manager Guide.pdf
- Plain English Guidance.pdfPlain English Guidance.pdf
- Potential Impact Table Final.pdfPotential Impact Table Final.pdf
- Presenters Guidelines.pdfPresenters Guidelines.pdf
- RCT Complete Competency Framework.pdfRCT Complete Competency Framework.pdf
- RCT Pay Grades 2023-2024.pdfRCT Pay Grades 2023-2024.pdf
- Recruiting Managers Checklist.pdfRecruiting Managers Checklist.pdf
- Recruitment - Advertising Process.pdfRecruitment - Advertising Process.pdf
- Recruitment Manager Guide v1.1.pdfRecruitment Manager Guide v1.1.pdf
- Redundancy Calculator 24 25.xlsxRedundancy Calculator 24 25.xlsx
- Rhondda Cynon Taf Council Workforce Plan 2023-2028.pdfRhondda Cynon Taf Council Workforce Plan 2023-2028.pdf
- Scheme of Delegation.pdfScheme of Delegation.pdf
- Section 8 Monitoring Evaluation.pdfSection 8 Monitoring Evaluation.pdf
- See it Right Clear Print Guidelines.pdfSee it Right Clear Print Guidelines.pdf
- Skilled Manual Worker Framework .pdfSkilled Manual Worker Framework .pdf
- Snow and Ice Management - A Guide for Site Managers and Head Teachers.pdfSnow and Ice Management - A Guide for Site Managers and Head Teachers.pdf
- Standby Framework.pdfStandby Framework.pdf
- Strategic Manager Competency Framework.pdfStrategic Manager Competency Framework.pdf
- Supervisor Competency Framework.pdfSupervisor Competency Framework.pdf
- Suspicious Mail and Packages Guidance.pdfSuspicious Mail and Packages Guidance.pdf
- Team Meeting Agenda Template.docTeam Meeting Agenda Template.doc
- Team Meeting Minutes Template.docTeam Meeting Minutes Template.doc
- Technical Specialist Professional Competency Framework.pdfTechnical Specialist Professional Competency Framework.pdf
- The Guide to Compiling a Person Specification for e-Recruitment.pdfThe Guide to Compiling a Person Specification for e-Recruitment.pdf
- Training Compendium November 2023.pdfTraining Compendium November 2023.pdf
- Voluntary Redundancy Calculator 2024.xlsxVoluntary Redundancy Calculator 2024.xlsx
- Welcoming Disabled Customers Guidelines.pdfWelcoming Disabled Customers Guidelines.pdf
- Wellbeing for Staff.pdfWellbeing for Staff.pdf
- Working Carers Guidance.pdfWorking Carers Guidance.pdf
- Working Together Guidelines.pdfWorking Together Guidelines.pdf