Policiau A i Z ar gyfer Ysgolion/A to Z Policies for Schools
- Cymraeg - WelshCymraeg - Welsh
- Adroddiad Monitro Presenoldeb Gwanwyn 2 2018-19.pdfAdroddiad Monitro Presenoldeb Gwanwyn 2 2018-19.pdf
- Caniatâd i Fod yn Absennol.pdfCaniatâd i Fod yn Absennol.pdf
- Cynllun Addasiadau Rhesymol - Reasonable Adjustments Scheme.pdfCynllun Addasiadau Rhesymol - Reasonable Adjustments Scheme.pdf
- Cynllun Hawl i Wneud Cais i Weithio’n Hyblyg - Canllawiau i Benaethiaid 2015.pdfCynllun Hawl i Wneud Cais i Weithio’n Hyblyg - Canllawiau i Benaethiaid 2015.pdf
- Cynllun Hawl i Wneud Cais i Weithio’n Hyblyg - Canllawiau i Weithwyr 2015.pdfCynllun Hawl i Wneud Cais i Weithio’n Hyblyg - Canllawiau i Weithwyr 2015.pdf
- Cynllun Hawl i wneud cais i weithio’n hyblyg 2015.pdfCynllun Hawl i wneud cais i weithio’n hyblyg 2015.pdf
- Enghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd - Example of a Primary School Health Safety Policy.docxEnghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd - Example of a Primary School Health Safety Policy.docx
- Gweithdrefn Ddisgyblu 2013.pdfGweithdrefn Ddisgyblu 2013.pdf
- Gweithdrefn Galluogrwydd ar Gyfer Athrawon a Phenaethiaid Consortiwm Canolbarth y De.pdfGweithdrefn Galluogrwydd ar Gyfer Athrawon a Phenaethiaid Consortiwm Canolbarth y De.pdf
- Gweithdrefn Galluogrwydd ar Gyfer Staff Cymorth Ysgolion Consortiwm Canolbarth y De.pdfGweithdrefn Galluogrwydd ar Gyfer Staff Cymorth Ysgolion Consortiwm Canolbarth y De.pdf
- Gweithdrefn Galluogrwydd i Staff Ysgol 2012.pdfGweithdrefn Galluogrwydd i Staff Ysgol 2012.pdf
- Gweithdrefn Gwyno.pdfGweithdrefn Gwyno.pdf
- Model o Bolisi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion - Atodiad B.pdfModel o Bolisi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion - Atodiad B.pdf
- Model o Bolisi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion.pdfModel o Bolisi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion.pdf
- Model o Bolsi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion - Atodiad A.pdfModel o Bolsi Gofal Personal i Ysgolion - Atodiad A.pdf
- Model Polisi Cyflog Ysgol Gyfan 2014.pdfModel Polisi Cyflog Ysgol Gyfan 2014.pdf
- Pob Plentyn, Pob Dydd Strategaeth Mynychur Ysgol 2014 - 2017.pdfPob Plentyn, Pob Dydd Strategaeth Mynychur Ysgol 2014 - 2017.pdf
- Polisi a Chanllawiau RCT RPI a Chynllun Trin Cadaranol.pdfPolisi a Chanllawiau RCT RPI a Chynllun Trin Cadaranol.pdf
- Polisi Absenoldeb – Cyfnod Tadolaeth.pdfPolisi Absenoldeb – Cyfnod Tadolaeth.pdf
- Polisi Absenoldeb Mamolaeth - Absenoldeb Mabwysiadu.pdfPolisi Absenoldeb Mamolaeth - Absenoldeb Mabwysiadu.pdf
- Polisi Absenoldeb Oherwydd Salwch 2015.pdfPolisi Absenoldeb Oherwydd Salwch 2015.pdf
- Polisi Amddiffyn Diogelu Plant - 2016.pdfPolisi Amddiffyn Diogelu Plant - 2016.pdf
- Polisi Ceisiadau am Ailraddio.pdfPolisi Ceisiadau am Ailraddio.pdf
- Polisi Chwythu’r Chwiban 2010.pdfPolisi Chwythu’r Chwiban 2010.pdf
- Polisi Defnydd Derbyniol Ar Y Rhyngrwyd A Chyfleusterau E-BostFile.pdfPolisi Defnydd Derbyniol Ar Y Rhyngrwyd A Chyfleusterau E-BostFile.pdf
- Polisi Honoraria – Staff Yr Ysgolion.pdfPolisi Honoraria – Staff Yr Ysgolion.pdf
- Polisi Rheoli Absenoldeb Staff Ysgol.docxPolisi Rheoli Absenoldeb Staff Ysgol.docx
- Polisi Urddas yn y Gwaith 2013.pdfPolisi Urddas yn y Gwaith 2013.pdf
- Templed Polisi Rheoli Perfformiad Enghreifftiol ar Gyfer Athrawon, Athrawesau a Phenaethiaid.pdfTempled Polisi Rheoli Perfformiad Enghreifftiol ar Gyfer Athrawon, Athrawesau a Phenaethiaid.pdf
- Saesneg - EnglishSaesneg - English
- Absence Management Policy 2019.docxAbsence Management Policy 2019.docx
- Child Protection Escalation Policy Endorsed - 2014.pdfChild Protection Escalation Policy Endorsed - 2014.pdf
- Dignity at Work Policy - 2013.pdfDignity at Work Policy - 2013.pdf
- Disciplinary_Procedure - 2013.pdfDisciplinary_Procedure - 2013.pdf
- Every Child Every Day RCT School Attendance Strategy 2014-2017.pdfEvery Child Every Day RCT School Attendance Strategy 2014-2017.pdf
- Example of a Primary School Health Safety Policy - Enghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd.docxExample of a Primary School Health Safety Policy - Enghraifft o Bolisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ysgol Gynradd.docx
- Final Managing Change Policy Agreed - 2015.pdfFinal Managing Change Policy Agreed - 2015.pdf
- Final Version Consortia New Model Pay Policy 2014.pdfFinal Version Consortia New Model Pay Policy 2014.pdf
- Grievance Procedure - 2012.pdfGrievance Procedure - 2012.pdf
- Internet and Email Acceptable Use Policy v 2 1.pdfInternet and Email Acceptable Use Policy v 2 1.pdf
- Leave of Absence Policy - 2012.pdfLeave of Absence Policy - 2012.pdf
- Maternity Leave-Adoption Leave Teachers - 2010.pdfMaternity Leave-Adoption Leave Teachers - 2010.pdf
- Model Intimate Care Policy - APPENDIX A.pdfModel Intimate Care Policy - APPENDIX A.pdf
- Model Intimate Care Policy - APPENDIX B.pdfModel Intimate Care Policy - APPENDIX B.pdf
- Model Intimate Care Policy for Schools - 2016.pdfModel Intimate Care Policy for Schools - 2016.pdf
- Paternity Leave Policy Teachers - 2010.pdfPaternity Leave Policy Teachers - 2010.pdf
- RCT Policy Guidance RPI and Positive Handling Plan.pdfRCT Policy Guidance RPI and Positive Handling Plan.pdf
- Reasonable Adjustments Scheme (1).pdfReasonable Adjustments Scheme (1).pdf
- Right to Request Flexible Working - Employee Guidelines - 2015.pdfRight to Request Flexible Working - Employee Guidelines - 2015.pdf
- Right to Request Flexible Working - Manager Guide - 2015.pdfRight to Request Flexible Working - Manager Guide - 2015.pdf
- Right to Request Flexible Working Scheme - 2015.pdfRight to Request Flexible Working Scheme - 2015.pdf
- School Based Sickness Absence Policy.pdfSchool Based Sickness Absence Policy.pdf
- School Honorarium Policy 2011.pdfSchool Honorarium Policy 2011.pdf
- School Regrading Policy 2011.pdfSchool Regrading Policy 2011.pdf
- Schools Capability Policy - 2012.pdfSchools Capability Policy - 2012.pdf
- Schools Safeguarding Policy 2016.pdfSchools Safeguarding Policy 2016.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy - 2010.pdfWhistleblowing Policy - 2010.pdf