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Health & Safety related topics such as: Accident Reporting, Smoking in the Workplace, Workplace Stress.

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This section of the Source provides you with information, guidance and tools to help you manage safety in the workplace.


What's New?

This latest version has been issued to highlight the fact that a site's snow and ice management procedures may now have to be reviewed and updated to take into account control measures that may have been introduced at sites as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 and the Wearing of Face Coverings document has been issued to provide guidance to employees

Please click here to access the Guidance Document on Snow and Ice Management

Please click here to access the COVID-19 and the Wearing of Face Coverings

What's New?

The HSE has developed a new stress “Talking Tool”. This provides a structured approach to conversations to discuss topics which can be causes of stress.


This tool is designed with the intention of getting senior management to start conversations about stress and mental health, to raise awareness, reduce stigma surrounding stress and mental health issues and gather evidence as to whether they have a problem with work related stress.

This toolkit is the starting point of the process and part of the required risk assessment. Where a risk from stress is identified, the employer would have to consider steps to remove or reduce that risk. Talking to your colleagues is likely to provide many of these steps, too. 

The toolkit can be accessed below or alternatively under the Workplace Stress Topic.


Have a query? contact a member of the Health & Safety Team at HealthandSafetyTeam@rctcbc.gov.uk

 For advice on all Health and Safety related issues contact the Health and Safety Team, Ty Elai, Williamstown, CF40 1NY, telephone number 01443 425546.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 1:19 PM