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My HR Knowledge Bank

Welcome to My HR Knowledge Bank.  You will find frequently asked questions on all current HR Policies and procedures, links to all policies, useful forms, guidelines and toolkits.


Can parental leave be taken at any time?

Unpaid parental leave must be taken in a block of at least 1 week and not more than 4 weeks at a time and cannot be taken in odd days. There is a total of 13 weeks entitlement which can be taken over a 5 year period.

The child's birth certificate / adoption papers / proof of surrogacy or in the case of a disabled child, the award of disability living allowance will need to be provided at the time of application.


Can parental leave be used to take a child to the dentist or GP?

No, annual leave, flexi or TOIL would need to be used or the appointment should be arranged outside your normal working hours as set out in the Leave of Absence Policy.

The Council's Leave of Absense Policy can be accessed here.


What is parental leave entitlement?

Parental leave is unpaid time off for up to 13 weeks if an employee has at least one year's continuous service, a child under age 5 or a disabled child under age 18.

The employee must also have (or expect to have) parental responsibility for the child. If the child is entitled to receive disability living allowance the entitlement is 18 weeks unpaid parental leave.
