Job assignment concatenated filter

This filter allows you to filter information based on all job assignments. The filter has the following options:

  • is any value: This option disables the filter (i.e. all information is accepted by this filter).
  • Any of the selected: This option will show users that have any of the selected items in any of their job assignments.
  • None of the selected: This option will show users that have none of the selected items in any of their job assignments.
  • All of the selected: This option will show users that have all of the selected items in any of their job assignments. (Note that they can have more than the selected items).
  • Not all of the selected: This option will show users that don't have all of the selected items in their job assignments.

For positions and organisations once items have been selected you can use the Include children? checkbox to choose whether to match only that item, or match that item and any sub-items belonging to that item.