• Aims & Objectives


    This course is to give foster carers a brief refresher on the understanding of the current legislation that encompasses moving and handling, also to give further insight on how this helps to not only protect people in their care but also those providing the foster care. How symbiotic or essential it is that we must get that balanced approached to care provision and moving handling right if we want to sustain placements for children with complex needs in the long term.   


    Practice of safe manual handling within Childcare includes handling children as well as inanimate loads, this childcare manual handling training course will teach you about:

    • Important Safety Legislation for Childcare workers
    • The anatomy of the spine and muscular system and how poor posture impacts on the spine
    • How the body can be harmed through incorrect manual handling techniques
    • Understand the limitations of the spine and muscular system
    • Visually conduct a simple manual handling TILE risk assessment
    • Recognise a load which is too heavy or awkward to handle and what you should do to reduce the danger to you and others if it needs to be moved
    • Discussed some normal daily tasks like washing clothes, hoovering, food shopping and how these simple task can have an impact on our backs.
    • How to lift and handle inanimate and animate loads safely
    • Discuss good posture while completing daily household tasks
    • Discuss good sitting posture when on the floor with Foster Child
    • Alternative Back support, demonstrates trailed and used, soft curve positional chair, canoe counter balance chair, wedge.
    • Good posture and working at low levels with children, suggested kneel, rather stoop, if kneeling long time then use cushion or pillow  
    • Bath & Bed transfer, discuss alternative methods of transfer, independent, supported.
    • Discuss and demonstrate pushing and pulling safe technique
    • Discuss off floor hoisting with foster carers as foster child transfers independently at home.

    • Foster Care Training - Bespoke Manual Handling (Understanding Back Health & Wellbeing)