Amlinelliad o'r pwnc

  • Nod

    Magu'r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth sydd eu hangen i gynnal sgwrs heriol yn dda. Gwella’ch effeithiolrwydd personol a magu hyder wrth gynnal sgyrsiau a chynnal perthnasoedd adeiladol mewn ystod eang o sefyllfaoedd yn y gweithle.

     Erbyn diwedd y cwrs yma, bydd modd i chi wneud y canlynol: 

    • Disgrifio manteision gweithio mewn ffordd sy'n seiliedig ar berthynas a phwysigrwydd gweithio mewn ffordd agored a chlir

     • Cydnabod canlyniadau osgoi sgyrsiau a pheidio â datrys y broblem yn iawn

    • Ystyried sut i gynllunio, ymddwyn a dod â sgyrsiau anodd i ben

    • Cydnabod a rheoli elfen emosiynol y sgyrsiau

    •Rhoi’r sgiliau ar waith


    Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct challenging conversation well. To increase your personal effectiveness and confidence in holding conversations and maintaining constructive relationships in a wide range of work situations.

     By the end of this course you will be able to:

    • Describe the benefits of relationship-based practice and the importance of working in an open and transparent way

    • Recognise the consequences of avoiding conversations and not 'nipping things in the bud'

    • Consider how to plan, conduct and end difficult conversations

    • Recognise and manage emotional element of conversations 

    • Practice Skills

    Target Group - RCT Learning Curves & ILS Managers & Seniors
