Amlinelliad o'r pwnc


    Deall y cysyniad o ysgogi

    •         Meithrin dealltwriaeth well o Gyfweld Ysgogiadol fel dull cyfathrebu

    •         Meithrin dealltwriaeth well o'r weledigaeth, egwyddor a sgiliau mewn perthynas â Chyfweld Ysgogiadol

    •         Cydnabod cysylltiadau ag ymarfer ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol

    To understand the concept of motivation

    To gain a better understanding of Motivational Interviewing  (MI) as a communication style.

    To gain a better understanding of the spirit, principles and skills used in MI.

    To recognise links to practice in health and social care