• Aims And Objectives


     Galluogi'r gweithlu ar gyfer Oedolion i ystyried effaith Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol 2005 mewn perthynas â'u rôl wrth ddiogelu oedolion.

     Deilliannau dysgu:

     1.       Gwella dealltwriaeth a phroses cynnal asesiadau cadarn o alluedd yn rhan o achosion diogelu oedolion.

    2.       Deall rôl yr awdurdod lleol mewn perthynas â Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant a Diogelu.

    3.       Nodi agweddau cyfreithiol ar Ddeddf Galluedd Meddyliol sy'n benodol bwysig o ran diogelu, ac ystyried rôl a defnydd y Llys Gwarchod.

    4.       Ystyried sut i ddefnyddio Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol i ymateb i fathau penodol o gamdriniaeth, a nodi a chynnal arfer da wrth weithio yn unol â Deddf Galluedd Meddyliol.

    5.       Annog cynrychiolwyr i fod yn chwilfrydig mewn ffordd broffesiynol, wrth weithio ar draws asiantaethau, er mwyn bod yn llwyr effro i'r cymhlethdodau o sut mae oedolion mewn perygl i'w gweld a sut maen nhw'n ymgysylltu (neu'n gwrthod ymgysylltu ag ymholiadau diogelu), lle mae'n ymddangos bod gyda nhw alluedd a chydsyniad ar sail gwybodaeth.

    6.       Ystyried effaith gorfodaeth a rheolaeth mewn perthnasau a chamdriniaeth deuluol yn y cartref, lle mae galluedd ond mae'n bosibl nad oes gan oedolion mewn perygl wir ddewis na chydsyniad.

    7.       Ymrwymo mewn ffordd gryfach i ymgysylltu ag oedolion mewn perygl sydd â nam ar y meddwl neu'r ymennydd, i gael gwybod am eu profiadau pwysig a barn ar y gamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod honedig, yn ogystal â'u deilliannau delfrydol, wrth roi arfer Gwneud Diogelu'n Bersonol (MSP) ar waith yn achos POB oedolyn mewn perygl.

    8.       Cael gwybod am achosion Adolygiadau Ymarfer Oedolion (APR) diweddar lle nodwyd gwersi a ddysgwyd am sut rydyn ni'n nodi galluedd a chanlyniadau arfer wael a diffyg camau uwchgyfeirio.

    9.       Ystyried sut mae modd i ymarferwyr deimlo bod gyda nhw'r grym i herio tybiaethau traddodiadol o alluedd, ac i uwchgyfeirio pryderon i ddefnyddio fframweithiau cyfreithiol a'u rolau a chyfrifoldebau statudol yn effeithiol i fynd i'r afael â chamdriniaeth neu esgeulustod.


     To enable the Adults workforce to consider the impact of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in relation to their role in safeguarding adults.

     Learning outcomes:

     1.       Improve knowledge and application of robust assessments of capacity in safeguarding adult’s cases.

    2.       Understand the role of the local authority within the Social Services & Wellbeing Act & Safeguarding.

    3.       Identify the legal aspects of the Mental Capacity Act that have particular importance in safeguarding and consider the role and use of the Court of Protection.

    4.       Consider how to use the Mental Capacity Act to respond to specific types of abuse and identify and carry out best practice in the application of the Mental Capacity Act.

    5.       Encourage delegates to be professionally curious and tenacious, working across agencies, to fully work with the complexities of how adults at risk may present, and engage (or appear to not want to engage in safeguarding enquiries), where it appears they have capacity and informed consent.

    6.       Consider the impact of coercion and control in relationships and familial based domestic abuse, where capacity may appear to be present, but where adults at risk may not have any choice or true consent.

    7.       Have a strengthened commitment to engaging with adults at risk who have an impairment of the mind or brain, to ascertain their important experiences and views of the alleged abuse or neglect, as well as their desired outcomes, embracing MSP practice to ALL adults at risk.

    8.       To be informed of recent APR cases where lessons learnt have been identified of how we determine capacity and the consequences of poor practice and a lack of escalation were evident.

    9.       To consider how practitioners can feel empowered to challenge traditional assumptions of capacity, and further empowered to escalate concerns to mobilise legal frameworks and feel able to employ their statutory roles and responsibilities effectively to address abuse or neglect

    • Safe Guarding and Adults and The Mental Capacity Act - Training Sessions