• Perthyn LGBTQIA+ Network

    Perthyn is our LGBTQIA+ staff network, open to any staff who work within, or on behalf of the Council and self-identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (an umbrella term that includes non-binary) and Queer (which is an umbrella term for other genders).

    Perthyn aims to;

    • Support the Council with their on-going commitment towards creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where LGBTQIA+ members of staff can be visible without fear of reprisal, while being free from discrimination or prejudicial practice in their working lives
    • Maintain a safe space where membership is voluntary and treated confidentially – the group accepts that members may not wish to “come out” in the workplace and we respect their wish to remain anonymous while participating in events with the network
    • Advise the Council on the development of its equality and diversity policies
    • Act as a signposting service for staff and volunteers to report any discrimination or prejudicial behaviour they have been a victim of and/or witnessed in the workplace. The network will work closely with Diversity & Inclusion team in accordance with the Dignity At Work Policy to deal with these issues should they be made known to the network or any of its members.

    For further information, or if you would like to join Perthyn, please email perthyn@rctcbc.gov.uk