• Aims & Objectives

    This course is accessible to any registered managers working in RCT, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend.

    Context: Registered Managers have had to deal with so much over the last year. They have done an amazing job keeping services running, supporting very distressed staff and individuals, and making sense of a sea of information from a variety of regulatory sources – CIW, SCW, LA Commissioners, PHW. Some managers report that the role has felt isolating and lonely.

    Group aim – To provide a supported space for registered managers to network with one another.

    Group objectives: Sessions will be flexible and responsive to the identified needs of people attending, but are likely to reflect the following format.

    • Inspiring leadership messages and film clips from Daren

    • Small group break out sessions to chat with colleagues

    • Practice exchange – what resources and groups have helped you that you can share with colleagues?

    • Opportunity to identify further development opportunities / resources that will assist you in your role. It is expected that each session will have representation from the training teams based in Cwm Taf and Bridgend to hear your feedback.

    • Chance to improve and develop digital skills

    • Opportunity to influence and shape future sessions

    • Please note: This group is in addition to other SCW peer support groups that are on offer. Please get in touch with Sarah Williams if you’d like signposting to the Care Home Cwtch (Care Homes for Older People) & SCW ‘Time for Me’ (Domiciliary care managers) and bereavement and loss projects. Sarah.j.williams@rctcbc.gov.uk

    • Peer Support Group - Training Sessions