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  • Women bring a unique set of skills and insight into leadership roles and yet there continues to be a lack of women leaders at board level positions across the globe.  The Women into Leadership series aims to provide a platform for women throughout the Council to explore and embrace their unique skill set and act as a springboard for personal growth and development.

    The series will explore the specific challenges of leading in a virtual world and will be followed up a month later by a ‘Pioneer’s Panel’, consisting of expert speakers who will be on hand to answer key questions and share experience of their own leadership journey.

    These sessions are available to all staff.

    • The Launch

      For the launch event we will be joined by keynote speakers who will tell us about their leadership journey and invite delegates to explore their needs in relation to subsequent events.  The pioneer panel will also be available to take questions from delegates

    • Leading in a Virtual World

      Research has demonstrated that women have been particularly disadvantaged during the pandemic.  In this event we will explore the complexities of providing leadership through virtual platforms with remote teams.  We will hear from industry leaders on how they have adapted and thrived in the virtual environment

    • Barriers and Myths

      In this session, we will focus on the specific barriers that are unique to women leaders in attaining senior organisational roles.  We will explore how we can dispel some of the stereotypes that exist in relation to women leaders and hear from our pioneer panel on how they have overcome their own barriers.

    • Another Perspective: What Women Have to Offer

      In this session we explore the specific behaviours and traits that women possess and explore how these can be embraced to bring a unique perspective to an organisation.

      • Tough at the Top? A New Kind of Challenge

        The final session of this series will focus on sustaining and thriving in leadership roles.  We will explore how industry leaders have coped through significant life changes and what lessons they can share from their own experiences.  Finally, we hope to encourage the formation of a women’s network for the Council.