Amlinelliad o'r pwnc

  • Target Group:

    Care Management staff from a representative range of teams and services, Commissioning Staff, Internal Provider staff in the first instance all from in Adult Services, Transitions staff


    To provide staff with training on current and emerging issues supporting vulnerable people in internet and social media use, recognising abuse and exploitation the potential for offending behaviour and providing staff with practical ideas about support and direct intervention and awareness of the legal context: the course will:

    •         Examine models of support for safe social media use and models of education for increasing resilience, scepticism and safety awareness for service users

    •         Give examples of forms of exploitation and abuse

    •         Provide information about the risk service users offending, eg. bullying, sharing of explicit content

    •         Overview of legal context including current offences, powers to intervene lawfully for prevent harm or abuse



    At the end of the course, staff will:

    •         Have an awareness of dimensions of risk and vulnerability for people in various service user groups and be able to apply learning to their own service area

    •         Have an awareness of platforms practical issues such as security settings, locking phones, turning off location tracing services, barring numbers etc

    •         Have an awareness assessing capacity for service users in relation to diverse activities in internet and social media use and in relation to personal safety, contact and conduct issues which take place fully or partly online

    •         Having awareness of duties to report criminal activity in which service users may be victims or perpetrators and powers to intervene in bests interests and where necessary seek legal authorisation for interference in  8 rights (family, privacy, autonomy in relationships and privacy in correspondence) and rights to self expression

    •         Staff will have had an initial briefing sufficient to enable them to use concepts and models to describe their own experiences, concerns identify their own and colleagues’ training needs and gaps in service provision. It is intended that shortly after the sessions a ‘focus’ group may be convened among attendees to sample experiences in RCT teams and services that may inform the planning of further training and service development

    • Supporting Safe Internet & Social Media Use for Service User Groups - Training Sessions