Amlinelliad o'r pwnc

  • Target Group: Adult & Children's Services Social Workers, Senior Practitioners & Team Managers

    Aims and Objectives:

    Bydd cyfranogwyr yn deall:

    •           sut mae gweithwyr cymdeithasol yn llunio damcaniaethau mewn sefyllfaoedd cymhleth

    •           y cysyniad o adlewyrchu wrth wneud penderfyniadau dadansoddol

    •           y gwahaniaeth rhwng cofnodion asesu disgrifiadol a dadansoddol

    Bydd cyfranogwyr yn:

    •           Gwerthuso eu sgiliau eu hun wrth ddadansoddi a gwneud penderfyniadau

    •           Llunio cynllun i wella eu sgiliau yn y maes yma

    Participants will understand:

    •           How social workers create hypotheses in complex situations

    •           The concept of reflexivity in analytical decision making

    •           The difference between descriptive and analytical assessment records

    Participants will:

    •           Evaluate their own skills in analysis and decision making

    •           Create a plan to improve their skill set in this area

    • Social Work Assessments & Reports, Moving from Narrative to Analysis - Training Sessions